Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Homeostasis Lab

      In our lab my team and I tested how homeostasis controls our body, and we wanted to learn more about it. The purpose of our lab was to test how pulse reacts to skin temperature. On our graph the X-axis was temperature and the Y-axis was the measurement of pulse and temperature. Our graph shows the different measurements we got for pulse and temperature at normal, hot, and cold temperatures. First we tested our temperature at room temperature. Then we put our hand in hot water for one minute, and then we tested our pulse. We were expecting that our pulse would decrease so it can help cool down our skin. But, we got different results than what we expected. The results showed that our pulse increased when we heated our skin. Then we measured our temperature at room temperature again before we put our hand in ice water. Then we put our hand in ice water for one minute. We were expecting that our pulse would increase so that it would heat our skin. But, the results showed differently. Our pulse had decrease. The effect that homeostasis had on our pulse in ice water is that blood is pumping harder to flow through our body in which is why it decreased.

    What we learned from doing this lab is that when our body gets hot our pulse goes faster so it can keep your body cool. When your body gets cold your pulse slows down so it can conserve heat energy. Our hypothesis was wrong, but we learned a lot about homeostasis by doing this lab. Homeostasis is what controls our body, and it controls the way our body functions.

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