Thursday, February 9, 2012

Nervous System: The Virtual Neurophysiology Lab

During the lab online:
~The 1st step was too catch and anesthetize the leech in 20% ethanol solution.
~The 2nd step was too pin the animal dorsal side up through the anterior and posterior suckers onto a dissection tray, by stretching the animal in the process.
~The 3rd step was too make a cut in the skin along the mid-line on the dorsal surface using scissors.
~The 4th step was too carefully remove the gut and other internal structures to expose the ventrally located nerve cord.
~The 5th step was too cut a window in the body wall underneath a ganglion.
~The 6th step was too isolate a section of the animal by making two parallel cuts across the animal.
~The 7th step was too cut the sinus with an ultra fine scalpel and then tease apart the sinus.
~ The 8th step was too click the Micromanipulator tip to probe the cell.
~The 9th step was too visualize the morphology of the neuron.
~The last sep was too identify the cell, which was a cell type N.

Feather, Probe, Forceps, Scissors, Pins, Scalpel, Dissection Tray, Leech Tank, 20% Ethanol, Lech Tongs, Dissection Microscope, Micromanipulator, Oscilloscope, and a Leech.

By doing this lab I learned more about the nervous system, and the different cell types. The nervous system of the leech consists of the brain, the ventral cord, and ganglia which is located in each segment along the nerve cord. The leech is a member of the phylum Annelida or segmented worms. These worms are classified by having bodies divided into similar parts or segments. The different cell types in this lab was N, T, P, R, X, which are No Stimuli, Feather, Probe, Forceps, and Dyed Cell.


Thursday, February 2, 2012

PowerPoint of the Sense of Smell

This slide show represents how your sense of smell works, and how you use it in your daily lives. We are surrounded by different smells all of the time.